From the Blog

Booch Hooch

New Pioneer Food Co-op August 2 Category: Recipes
Forage Kombucha Cans
Raspberry Revel, recipe below

Recipes by Miss Nik, New Pi’s Mistress of Wine & Cheese


Refresh yourself with these portable, shareable fusion drinks made with Forage Kombucha (from Madison, WI) and delicious alcoholic mixers! All you need is a couple of cans, ice, two glasses, a friend (or not, if you’re thirsty) and a few pieces of fruit to garnish, if you’re feelin’ fancy!

Just fill glasses with ice, pour half the Kombucha and half the mixer in each can, garnish if you wish, and enjoy!

Tropical Rainbow Rush

Raspberry Revel

Peach Booch-lini

Ginger Tease

New Pioneer Food Co-op About the Author

New Pioneer Food Co-op

New Pi is a food co-operative, owned by over 35,000 members, home-grown in Iowa. We welcome everyone to our store, regardless of membership, and focus on local and sustainable food solutions. New Pi has strong roots in Iowa City’s local food community, and continues to partner with local growers, food, and sustainability organizations to enrich Linn and Johnson County communities.