Tiny But Mighty Popcorn
This is the most flavorful popcorn we’ve tasted – and its hulls explode so they don’t get stuck in your teeth.
Shellsburg, IA
Type: Farm
Produces: Milk & Dairy
Location: Hudson, IA
Miles from Coop: 60
The cult following for Hansen’s Dairy will be excited to hear about their new goods at the Co-op: Hansen’s Cheese Curds, Hard-pack Ice Cream, and now Soft Serve Vanilla Cones & Cups are in the house!
Switch to their butter and you’ll never go back: Hansen’s butter, cream, and long-lasting non-homogenized milks are known for their flavor. Try making shortbread with Hansen’s and with another similarly priced butter – theirs will be tastier from beginning to end (the dough wins the taste test too!). The Co-op’s kitchen and bakery are proud to use Hansen’s local cream and milk in our baked goods and prepared foods.
Non-homogenized and minimally pasteurized (short-time, high-temp.) for a flavorful product, their cream mixes in easily with just a quick shake. Their skim milk isn’t blue and has flavor and body, and their 1% is often mistaken for 2%. They’ve had customers drive out and buy twenty gallons to freeze because their kids won’t drink anything else!
Dairy farming since 1950, the farm’s been in their family since 1864 (the seventh generation is growing up on the farm now). They grow all the alfalfa and non-GMO corn consumed by their cows, and they raise their own closed herd of 150 Holstein cows – meaning all their cows were born on the farm (not trucked in from elsewhere), and their milk is never blended with any other farms'. They have records for every cow that’s ever been on the farm – and yes, they all have names!
Hansen's Dairy cows live about twice as long as other non-organic Iowa dairy cows, which sadly tend to have very short lifespans because they’re pushed into such heavy over-production, often by feeding them growth hormones. The Hansen's don’t give their cows growth hormones – they’re rBST/rBGH free – and because they control all the factors of their production, they have ultimate traceability from start to delicious finish.
Let’s raise a glass of local milk to that!
Checkout these great products from Hansen's Dairy
Be sure to check out these others great local producers!
This is the most flavorful popcorn we’ve tasted – and its hulls explode so they don’t get stuck in your teeth.
Shellsburg, IA
Herb & Kathy set out to elevate humanely raised Iowa pork to a top-class Italian delicacy, and they’ve done just that.
Norwalk, IA
Their Heluka® breed and method of farming focuses on keeping their hogs stress-free: raising them with compassion, plenty of access to spacious bedded areas and sunshine, vegetarian feed, and no antibiotics or hormones.
Le Mars, Iowa
People would say, ‘Show me what you can do,’ and I would make them a Cortado. The balance of it is great.
Iowa City, IA
Switch to their butter and you’ll never go back: Hansen’s butter, cream, and long-lasting non-homogenized milks are known for their flavor.
Hudson, IA
From cleaner to container, May’s focus is on keeping her product line as sustainable as possible.
Iowa City, IA
When Christian Bejarano and Marta Hamity moved to Iowa from Argentina, they had trouble finding their favorite food: the empanada. They got cooking and quickly earned a cult following.
Coralville, IA
Dave and Susie Differding know their apples and love sharing the fruits of their education with you in the form of each shiny, delicious fruit.
Winthrop, IA