Paha Cider
After almost 20 years of homebrewing and 5 years making hard cider, Mark Westbrock decided to take his cidermaking to the next level by launching Paha Cider in Waverly, IA.
Waverly, IA
Type: Store
Produces: Body Care
Location: Cedar Rapids, IA
Miles from Coop: 4
Rare Bird Soap Shop specializes in small-batch vegan soaps and skincare products free from sulfates, parabens, and preservatives.
Founder Wende Fugate hand-makes each item using natural ingredients and pure essential oils to create high-quality products like their popular Room and Linen Spray (available in a variety of gentle scents) and cold process soaps that are harder and last longer than hot process soaps.
Rare Bird is committed to using organic and local ingredients whenever possible, ensuring that your purchase not only pampers your body and your senses, but supports this small, family business and our local community.
Checkout these great products from Rare Bird Soap Shop
Be sure to check out these others great local producers!
After almost 20 years of homebrewing and 5 years making hard cider, Mark Westbrock decided to take his cidermaking to the next level by launching Paha Cider in Waverly, IA.
Waverly, IA
Since 2014, Lion Bridge Brewing Company has produced beers that are delicious, complex, and most importantly, approachable, and highly drinkable.
Cedar Rapids
Katie's handmade soaps are made from scratch in small batches using high quality ingredients like aloe vera, cocoa butter, and mango butter.
Cedar Rapids, IA
People would say, ‘Show me what you can do,’ and I would make them a Cortado. The balance of it is great.
Iowa City, IA
Calvin Yoder of Echo Dell Farm has been raising whole, local, organic chickens for New Pi since 1988.
Kalona, IA
Eco Lips is deeply connected with nature, applying what we know about beneficial organic ingredients to better people’s lives.
Marion, IA
What we love is what we do best. “I’m a light roast single origin guy – no blends.
Iowa City, IA
The best thing about being an apple farmer is that, unlike a ripe tomato, [an apple] doesn’t have to be picked right now. It can wait until tomorrow. It is a nice pace.”
Central City, IA